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  • Writer's pictureKaren Price

Conservationist Corner: Ditch The Plastic!

Updated: May 28

Contributed by Karen Price, Hive National

plastic pollution

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In 2022, scientists published a paper in Environment International titled "Discovery and quantification of plastic particle pollution in human blood" that reported the first discovery of microplastics in human blood. The paper's authors, including Heather A. Leslie, found that 77.2% of their healthy adult donors had microplastics in their blood, which is described as "extremely concerning". Microplastics have also been found in heart and lung tissue (American Chemical Society-Aug 2023)

Virtually every piece of plastic that was ever made still exists in some shape or form. – Ecowatch

Plastic bags wreak havoc on the environment and wildlife. We know plastic waste is a problem and with only 9% of plastics recycled, we can't recycle our way out of this!

What can we do to Ditch the Plastic?

  • Take reusable grocery bags to the store. We can reduce the number of plastic bags in the environment by taking our own reusable bags to the grocery store! I keep mine in my car, in the front seat, so I can see them and remember to take them in with me. Unload your food after shopping and pop them back in the car so they are ready to roll next time! After a few times it becomes much easier to remember! These heavy-duty, large reusable shopping bags hold a lot of groceries, stand up in the car nicely, and fold down flat so they are easy to keep with you.

reusable grocery bags
  • Bring smaller, reusable bags to put fresh fruits and veggies in. The thin plastic bags in grocery stores are not recyclable at all. I really like the Earthwise Reusable Mesh Produce Bags. They are lightweight, see-through and can save hundreds of bags each year.

reusable produce bags
  • Ditch those ziploc single use plastic bags! I use Stasher Reusable Silicone Storage Bags. They are microwave and dishwasher safe, leak-free and come in all shapes and colors. There are lots of other brands and styles on the market now, and some are just as good and significantly cheaper, but I chose the Stasher brand because they are made in the US. These bags are a bit of an investment but they will pay off down the road and keep tons of plastic bags out of landfills and our environment.

silicone storage bags

  • Buy reusable water bottles. Even though single use water bottles can be convenient, try switching to a reusable water bottle to reduce your plastic consumption and trash. You will ultimately save money too. This Silicone Water Bottle is BPA free and collapsible so you can keep it in your purse or glove box for easy access.

foldable reusable water bottle
  • Use less plastic - period! Opt for veggies that are not wrapped in plastic - better yet, shop at the farmers market where most produce is not in plastic and it has not traveled a long distance to the market. All better for Mother Earth! I might be pushing my luck here but consider switching to bar soap that is wrapped in paper instead of plastic, bar shampoo and conditioner (that really works and is good for your hair) and powder or sheet laundry detergent to get more for your money (80% of the liquid laundry detergent is water) and avoid all those plastic bottles.

What you buy matters! Companies track what sells and they will change what they offer if we show them what we want. Every bit of plastic we keep out of the environment helps cut down on pollution in our oceans and wildlife areas and keeps microplastics out of our bodies.

Nature gives us so much, let's try to lend a helping hand in return!

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